Transform interpersonal conflict into a catalyst for growth by handling difficult situations and dynamics in the workplace effectively.

Uncover the real sources of your interpersonal dysfunctions or frictions at work and transform them into opportunities to show up as a pro in tough situations, and nurture your wellbeing while advancing in your career.

Whatever it is, the way you navigate friction at work can make all the difference.

You work on complex projects involving various people in a demanding industry.

Regularly, you experience uncomfortable stress related to interpersonal tension between you and a colleague or your team.

You wish your colleague would change their attitude. 

You have already tried the usual advice from friends, colleagues, and books, but nothing has helped you escape the trap of this toxic work environment.

As a consequence, you avoid the troublemaker or even withdraw from work. Now, you realize that this interpersonal conflict impacts:

  • The quality of your work, reputation, and confidence

    At work, you are caught up in your head, less creative, distracted, and more likely to make mistakes. This causes more misunderstandings and delays in your project completion, leading to an unintentional reduction in your work quality.
    Dissatisfied coworkers, clients, or customers may question your expertise, causing your professional reputation to suffer and making it harder to earn trust and respect from your peers and supervisors. Over time, being perceived this way has slowly eroded your professional competence and personal confidence.

  • Your motivation at work and alignment with the company

    You feel threatened in this difficult work relationship and, as a response, have created your own narrative that leaves you unmotivated, disengaged, and distrustful. This self-protective story undermines your enthusiasm and dedication, making it hard to find satisfaction in your daily tasks.
    The constant tension and lack of support lead you to question your profession, career choices, and future with the company.
    You wonder if you are in the right field or if the company is the right fit for you, causing you to consider whether it's time to make a significant change in your professional life.

  • Your energy and well-being

    You find yourself spending a lot of time worrying and ruminating about your situation and your colleague, even in your free time.
    This constant preoccupation affects your ability to relax and enjoy life outside of work. Within your team, you feel anxious and on edge, constantly panicking about making mistakes.
    This heightened anxiety not only impacts your mental well-being but also leaves you feeling physically drained and exhausted.
    The persistent stress and lack of relief are pushing you dangerously close to burnout, affecting your overall health and productivity.

Most people's natural tendency to deal with these interpersonal conflicts is resisting, reacting or avoiding, which will get you even deeper into the conflict escalation.

Waiting for others to change makes you even more stuck, helpless and dependent.

Turning the tables now is essential for your career, your mental and physical health and wellbeing. You can’t rely on better times or wait for colleagues, partners or bosses to change. 

Rather get the qualified support you need now, so you don’t fall behind, and benefit from the interpersonal conflict instead. 

Conflict Mastery Program

I have developed a well-proven program that provides you with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate confidently through interpersonal friction at work.

This program is designed to help you shift the negative impact of a coworker who gets under your skin, tensions among the team and transforming conflict into a constructive experience. 

By reading these lines, you have already taken an important first step—you are willing to seek understanding of these dynamics and work on yourself, whether you manage to reconcile your professional relationship or not, so that you can reach your own personal and professional goals.

You can experience a real transformation even if you are the only one working on turning these challenges around.

In the Conflict Mastery Program you will…

  • Build interpersonal resilience.

    You will develop the skills necessary to confidently interact with your colleague(s) at eye level while remaining true to your authentic self and aligned with your values.

    This resilience will empower you to handle interpersonal conflicts more effectively and beneficially, maintaining a positive work environment.

  • Boost your motivation, reputation and career.

    By mastering the ability to confidently navigate interpersonal friction, you will be able to perform your job without losing your mind. You will stay focused and become a leader in any tense situation, which will further motivate you to find creative solutions.

    This newfound confidence and competence will enhance your reputation at work, showcasing your resilience and problem-solving skills.

    As a result, your career prospects will elevate, opening up new opportunities for advancement and recognition within your organization.

  • Nurture you wellbeing at work.

    You will learn how to set effective boundaries that protect you from overworking, people-pleasing, and burnout.

    This newfound clarity will earn you the respect of your coworkers, who will appreciate and value you for who you truly are.

    Building strong, healthy relationships at work will provide you with renewed energy and passion for the tasks you genuinely love.

    Your balanced new approach will not only enhance your well-being but also foster a more supportive and fulfilling work environment.

How it works…

Here is the 5-step framework that I created to help you uncover the real source of your conflicts at work and turn them into opportunities to elevate your leadership skills and your career!

The 5 As to conflict resolution and growth


We only recognize what we know, so it is essential to take a step back and bring everything to the table. By doing so, you will observe yourself and your environment like a scientist gathering data.


This step involves examining and clarifying your observations and information to gain insights and understand patterns. By identifying underlying issues, trends, or relationships, you can better understand their impact on your career and decision-making.

For example, you might discover:

  • What exactly makes you feel anxious?

  • Why a particular colleague consistently gets under your skin or drives you crazy.

  • What makes you feel at someone’s mercy.

Knowing the root cause of your situation allows for a thorough evaluation of potential solutions or improvements. This analysis provides a solid basis for taking strategic actions to optimize and elevate your daily work life.


The process step of accepting involves acknowledging and embracing the current reality or situation without resistance, avoidance or reaction. 

It requires recognizing facts, feelings, or outcomes as they are, which can lead to greater clarity. Acceptance is crucial for moving forward, as it allows you to let go of denial or frustration and focus on proactive solutions and personal growth again.


The process step of activation involves building new strategies to achieve desired results in your life and career. This includes planning concrete actions, making decisions, mobilizing resources, and putting strategies into detailed plans. It's a dynamic phase where ideas and intentions are transformed into tangible actions through deliberate and purposeful effort.


Understanding something intellectually (having an “Ah-ha!” moment insight) is not the same as living it, or using that revelation to take genuine, consistent actions. It’s not enough just to have the lightbulb go off.

It’s not enough to sketch the design of a building; you need to put it into practice and build the house to reap the benefits.

So, what matters even more, is what you do with that lightbulb or design. And what you keep doing, on a bigger and bigger scale. 

That’s why I make sure you will implement everything you have learned in the previous steps and teach you how to actually turn your insights into reality. 

I will teach you tools on how to put everything into action in a consistent way. Because once you know how to do that, you're going to want to put those tools to work on something big and meaningful.

The Conflict Mastery is a 7-week program that includes:

  • 7 x 60 Minutes 1 : 1 coaching call - weekly

  • Little teaching parts & feedback during the session

  • Short summary of each coaching session.

  • Weekly assignments to deepen the relevant topics of the coaching calls. 

  • Workbooks & Tools to relevant topics.

  • Email support available when needed throughout the program.

  • Creation of an implementation plan for the next three months.

  • 3 x 30 Minutes follow-up check-up call - monthly

Take the first step towards transforming your workplace into joy!

Are you ready to overcome the challenges that are holding you back at work? This is your opportunity to transform struggles into stepping stones for growth and success.

Schedule a free 30-minute call to discuss your current work situation and assess if the Conflict Resolution Catalyst Program is the right fit for you. During this consultation, we will:

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of your unique work challenges.

  • Explore how the program can turn these challenges into opportunities to elevate your work situation.

This call is your gateway to unlocking a more confident, effective, and stress-free approach to your work. By addressing the root causes of your struggles, you can create a positive and productive work environment, enhancing both your personal and professional life.

Don’t wait—take control of your daily work life  and well-being today!

“I have little time and a demanding work schedule. Therefore, I was even more surprised by how effective and efficient the online coaching program was. I managed to integrate the coaching program into my workday, allowing me to benefit from the content without the hassle of traveling to a different location. I can only recommend it.”

Alex R.

“I was able to derive significant benefit from the sessions. The questions and the approach in analyzing specific situations helped me to reflect on my own behavior and emotional state. The time and emotional investment are well-balanced. Even with small exercises or short sessions, one can quickly implement what was discussed.”

Eva M.


Can you ensure positive outcomes such as conflict resolution from the program? 

So far I’ve never had a case in which there was no transformation at all. The answer depends largely on how you personally define conflict resolution or a positive outcome. The program provides a structured approach and tools that enable participants to gain clarity and direction, facilitating a shift in perspectives that can lead to personal transformation.


Aside from the coaching sessions, how much time do I need to commit? 

There is no set limit on the amount of time you can invest. If you're highly motivated, you may choose to delve into additional reading materials or articles, or work on provided resources. The sessions themselves can be life and career-changing. However, I recommend dedicating at least 10 to 15 minutes each day to reinforce what you've learned and consciously implement new strategies. 

Do you offer coaching on specific topics? 

Yes, I can tailor the program to address individual topics based on your needs. Simply let me know your preferences, and I can customize the program accordingly.

Is online coaching effective?

Online coaching differs from in-person coaching, but I consider it equally effective. In fact, online coaching offers several advantages such as time efficiency, cost savings from eliminating travel expenses, and the potential for a safer space, particularly in the beginning stages. Additionally, sessions can be recorded for reference.

How easy is it to cancel a session?

You can cancel a session up to 48 hours in advance by email.

What if I realize that the program isn’t a good fit?

If you determine that the program isn't suitable for you, you can cancel after three sessions and receive a refund of half the price.

Some thoughts you might have…

I don’t believe that a coach can solve my problems.

I completely understand your skepticism, but coaching isn't about solving your problems for you; it's about empowering you to find your own solutions. A coach provides support, guidance, and tools to help you navigate challenges and unlock your full potential. With a coach you will explore new perspectives and strategies that can lead to meaningful progress and growth.

I guess I have to solve my problems on my own.

When we're grappling with challenges or conflicts, our natural tendency is to resist, react, or avoid. This limited perspective often confines us to a narrow viewpoint, where our story is seen through a particular lens. A coach helps you break free from these constraints, encouraging you to explore from a fresh vantage point and uncover new perspectives. By doing so, we reignite your creativity and pave the way for innovative solutions

I don’t want to be manipulated into something.

The role of a Coach is to broaden your perspective and unlock various options, alternatives, and possibilities. However, the ultimate decision-making rests with you. You have the autonomy to choose which direction to take and which decisions to make.

I am afraid that I'll end up wasting my money and time.

I understand your concern about potentially wasting your money and time. It's important to ensure that you're investing in something worthwhile. You have the option for a free 30-minute call. Let's discuss how coaching can provide value and support your personal or professional growth, so you can make an informed decision.
However, consider the possibility that this program could actually increase both your money and time. 

I don’t want anybody to know that I am working with a coach.

I completely respect your privacy. Confidentiality is a fundamental aspect of coaching, and I ensure that all interactions remain strictly confidential. Your decision to work with a coach is entirely yours to share or keep private as you see fit.
Anything discussed in our sessions is strictly confidential. As a private client, your data remains confidential.
If your company provides coaching sessions, there may be different procedures in place depending on who supports and pays for the program. However, as an external coach, I will never disclose to anyone that you are working with me.

I don’t want to be criticized by a coach who I don’t even know.

I understand your concern. Trust is essential in any coaching relationship. My approach is built on respect, empathy, and collaboration. I aim to create a safe and supportive environment where you feel comfortable expressing yourself without fear of judgment. Our sessions are focused on your growth and development, and I am here to support you every step of the way. You have the option for a complimentary 30-minute call. This allows us to get to know each other better and determine if we're the right fit for your needs

I believe I am perfectly rational and capable of thinking and reflecting on my situation. Why should I take a coach?

I appreciate your confidence in your ability to think and reflect on your situation. Actually you require these qualities while working with a coach. A coach enables additional external perspective and expertise, guiding you to explore your challenges more deeply and uncover new insights. They can offer support, accountability, and tailored strategies to help you achieve your goals more efficiently and effectively than you might on your own. Ultimately, coaching can accelerate your growth and success in ways that may not be achievable through solitary reflection alone.

Do you still have more questions, or hesitations?

Schedule a FREE 30 minute call to discuss your or your  current situation and assess if this program is the right fit to uncover the real source of your conflicts at work and turn them into opportunities to elevate your work experience, your leadership skills and your career!

I look forward to our chat!